Swimming System

Toggle this feature ON and OFF using SWITCH 18


The character can only swim in tiles defined as water
When the character is swimming the action commands are disabled
The character’s speed is also reduced
You can enable and disable this function by using a Switch
An enemy event cannot enter the water unless <Aquatic> is added in the name field
To use this function you’ll need an image of your character swimming. This image should have the suffix: _Swim

define water terrain tag

Go to the MISC script and search for the following line of code: SWIMMING_TERRAIN and list the Terrain Tag ID you want to use

Now just go to the DATABASE and define your water tiles.

defining aquatic enemies

Only defined events are able to enter the water. To define an aquatic enemy simply add <Aquatic> in the enemy’s name field.

tips to mapping river banks

Take care when mapping a river bank because it can go a little glitchy if you’re not careful.

Bad mapping:

Good mapping:

The bad mapping picture shows an example of the swimming system kicking in early. This is due to two tiles overlapping, the water tile and a land tile. The solution is fairly simple, give all the river bank tiles a Terrain Tag of 1.

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